Monday, August 3, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday

So I found this WAY fun blog called "Her Cup Overfloweth"
She does something called Muffin Tin Monday. I thought Id participate and make Ethan a fancy lunch.
The theme is "party". So, I got out some of Ethans favorite party foods. Hot dogs, mac and cheese, fruit and some whales. This is a SUPER fun idea. I put it in front of him and he said "oooh! what do I eat first?!"


  1. AWESOME Job! That looks super fun! Mac n' cheese is a fave of mine. my husband thinks i'm crazy-but I love the stuff in the box!

    so glad you joined us!

  2. welcome to muffin tin monday!

  3. I LOVE the mac and cheese--whenever I see this in a tin I think it looks so yummy and remind myself I need to do it for my kids too:-)!

    His tin looks so tasty!!

  4. Looks really good! Those are everybodys fav foods i think :)

  5. Mmmn, looks really yummy! Great job and I agree on the mac-n-cheese!

  6. Great job and it does look like he really enjoyed it!
