Monday, August 17, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday

Here we have some HSM apples, tortilla stars, cheese stars, bologna stars, pineapples, a drink of milk and some yogurt to dip the apples in. =)

The past few weeks have been VERY busy! I missed MTM last week, so here is my MTM for today. Nothing special, but lunch in a muffin tin nonetheless.


  1. I *adore* all the stars. I'm going to try that with my little guy. Maybe he'll finally eat lunch meat.

  2. I love the idea of cutting things out in stars! I'm sure that would get my boys to try new things and enjoy things they already like even more! Great meal.

  3. The stars are a hit with me!! He looks happy and ready to dive in. :D

  4. I love all of those fun star shapes! I've actually got your package all ready to go tomorrow--I can't believe I'm getting something out on time:-). Hope you like it!! This has been so fun!

  5. Love it! I'm going to have to try that out. What are the tortilla stars? Did you cut them out then bake them?

  6. I know what you mean about busy! Cute stars and your son looks so happy and (ready to dig in!)
